For more than 80 years, Phyllis A. Whitney wove her storytelling magic—in her lifetime garnering numerous awards and worldwide acclaim for her books. A winner of the prestigious Grand Master award for lifetime achievement from the Mystery Writers of America, and an author the New York Times once called the "Queen of the American Gothics," Phyllis A. Whitney is one of the world's most beloved mystery and romantic suspense writers.
Vintage article: Phyllis Whitney's Way With A Romance Yarn Makes Her Queen of the Gothic Novel
A nondescript one-story house in Bellport, Long Island is the last setting you would expect to find America’s Queen of Gothic Romance. But grey haired and demur Phyllis Whitney sits at her desk there every morning between eight and eleven, cranking out romantic yarns which thousands of readers snatch from the paperback bookstands as soon as the ink is dry on the page... Read more.
Phyllis A. Whitney books go digital!
The Quicksilver Pool (Large Print Premier Edition)
Go on location!
Recently I travelled to California to check out some of the locations that inspired Phyllis A. Whitney to write Flaming Tree. Read more about my trip and see photographs from locations in the City of Carmel-by-the-Sea and the mystical Nepenthe in magnificent Big Sur on California's central coast.
Did you know that Phyllis A. Whitney also wrote short stories?
Before she became a world-renown writer, Phyllis A. Whitney wrote short stories. From childhood on through to when her first novel was published in 1943, she wrote more than a hundred short stories. In 1989, she briefly returned to the genre to pen a new age short story for Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine. Now more than 20 years later, read her short story called The Faces in its debuts as the first Phyllis A. Whitney short story to be available online and on her official web site. Look for more of her stories to be listed here in the future.
Rickshas to a Man on the Moon
Phyllis A. Whitney writes about her
childhood and the stories that inspired her to become a writer.
locations used in The Trembling Hills
Phyllis A. Whitney's 1956 novel The Trembling Hills has been reprinted
in the United Kingdom as part of the Hodder Great Reads series "celebrating
the best and most-loved popular classics of the 20th Century." To
commemorate this release, I visited some of the locations featured in the book.
best sellers!
Did you know that Phyllis A. Whitney's books have been published in more than thirty countries? Read more about this french translation of her 1956 novel The Trembling Hills.